Saturday, February 21, 2009

withered bird
in the leaf litter ~
paper cut

Paper Wasp, Autumn 2009

summer afternoon
the serious business
of popping bubbles


  1. Anonymous2/21/2009

    Oh its time I did make a show in your corner of the world, because you have certainly made such a wonderful showing in mine. I love both of these haiku, and as one who has spent much serious time doing things such as popping bubbles (counting spots?), I can also relate. mrow

  2. these are delightful... the aha! moment in the first, and the gentle humour in the second

  3. Anonymous2/23/2009

    Hi Dalloway!

    I agree with Polona on both.

    The first is a strong haiku - really original. Wow!

    The second is more of a senryu. It glows with your personality. I only wonder if, instead of saying "the serious business", there isn't a way to convey the same idea through imagery?

  4. yeah, Im sure there is poemshape. sometimes I get the words in my head and I just cant shake them.

  5. Loved the first one,
    Very striking, Dalloway..


  6. love the second one.
    bubbles are serious business...


Thanks for taking the time to write something.